演出日期 | 場數 | 演出劇目 | 演出場地 | |
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2024-08-08至2024-09-11 | 28 | 默殺 A Place called Silence | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
演出日期 | 時間 | 片長 | 價錢 | 演出場地 |
2024-08-08 | 2:30pm | 119 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-09 | 2:30pm | 119 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-10 | 9:20pm | 119 | $40, $50, $60 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-11 | 9:20pm | 119 | $40, $50, $60 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-12 | 9:20pm | 119 | $40, $50, $60 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-13 | 7:10pm | 119 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-14 | 7:10pm | 119 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-15 | 5:00pm | 119 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-16 | 5:00pm | 119 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-17 | 9:30pm | 119 | $40, $50, $60 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-18 | 9:30pm | 119 | $40, $50, $60 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-19 | 9:30pm | 119 | $40, $50, $60 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-20 | 7:10pm | 119 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-21 | 7:10pm | 119 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-22 | 2:40pm | 119 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-23 | 2:40pm | 119 | $40, $50, $60 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-24 | 12:30pm | 119 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-25 | 12:30pm | 119 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-26 | 12:30pm | 119 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-27 | 9:30pm | 119 | $40, $50, $60 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-28 | 9:30pm | 119 | $40, $50, $60 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-08-31 | 2:30pm | 119 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-09-01 | 2:30pm | 119 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-09-02 | 2:30pm | 119 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-09-05 | 9:30pm | 119 | $40, $50, $60 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-09-06 | 9:30pm | 119 | $40, $50, $60 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-09-10 | 3:00pm | 119 | $40, $50, $60 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-09-11 | 3:00pm | 119 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
今年內地暑假檔期賣座黑馬,票房突破11億人民幣,票房、口碑銳不可擋!大馬導演柯汶利繼《誤殺》後又一懸疑犯罪力作——兇手沉默不語,峙機殺人。初中女生惠君(徐嬌 飾)長期遭校園霸凌高處墜亡,暴行非但沒有停止,甚至禍延到閨蜜小彤(王聖迪 飾)身上。然而,霸凌者也接連殞命於重錘之下。在連環殺人案的背後,難脫嫌疑的眾人逐一浮出水面:小彤的母親(張鈞甯 飾)目睹女兒被膠水封嘴卻閉口不言,校工林在福(王傳君 飾)看似知曉內情卻冷漠疏離,暗中窺探的神秘男吳望(黃明昊 飾)看似身陷險境卻面露笑容……殺害霸凌者的雨夜屠夫究竟是他們其中的何人?調查案件的警官戴國棟(吳鎮宇 飾)似乎被假像蒙蔽,探秘過程中,宗宗藏污納垢的舊事被揭開,所有人都被推到了風口浪尖。善惡有報罪惡難逃,真相即將揭曉……
A middle school girl named Huijun falls to her death after being bullied, leading to a series of mysterious deaths among the bullies, and violence towards Huijun’s best friend at school, a speech-impaired girl named Xiaotong. Everyone around her turned a blind eye, and a collective silence brewed greater violence. As the investigation progresses, old secrets of concealment and corruption are about to be revealed. New masterpiece of crime mystery from the director of Sheep Without a Shepherd!