演出日期 | 場數 | 演出劇目 | 演出場地 | |
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2024-04-18至2024-05-08 | 16 | 第二十條 Article 20 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
演出日期 | 時間 | 片長 | 價錢 | 演出場地 |
2024-04-18 | 9:20pm | 142 | $40, $50, $60 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-04-19 | 9:20pm | 142 | $40, $50, $60 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-04-20 | 2:30pm | 142 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-04-21 | 2:40pm | 142 | $30 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-04-22 | 9:20pm | 142 | $40, $50, $60 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-04-23 | 9:20pm | 142 | $40, $50, $60 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-04-24 | 9:20pm | 142 | $40, $50, $60 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-04-25 | 2:20pm | 142 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-04-26 | 2:20pm | 142 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-04-27 | 2:20pm | 142 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-04-28 | 4:40pm | 142 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-04-29 | 4:40pm | 142 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-04-30 | 4:40pm | 142 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-05-02 | 2:50pm | 142 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-05-03 | 2:50pm | 142 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2024-05-08 | 9:20pm | 142 | $40, $50, $60 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
內地超過24億票房作品《第二十條》,由殿堂級導演張藝謀執導,聯合炙手可熱一線影星雷佳音、馬麗、趙麗穎、高葉等人,訴說一個人人在法律面前必須得到公平的故事!自從調職到市檢察院,韓明(雷佳音 飾)就遇上連環不幸事件。兒子韓雨辰(劉耀文 飾)因為看不過眼校園欺凌而打了校內老師(張譯 飾)的兒子並拒絕道歉,妻子李茂娟(馬麗 飾)義憤填膺繼而揍了老師, 令事件雪上加霜;與工作拍檔呂玲玲(高葉 飾)分歧不斷以致案件久拖不决;另一案件受害者郝秀萍(趙麗穎 飾)被迫入絕境。情與法的較量在展開,事業與家庭的平衡在進行,韓明决定賭上一切,用自己的方式給公平和正義一個說法…..
Han Ming (Lei Jiayin) is a seconded prosecutor whose life is a whirlwind of complications following his transfer to the municipal prosecutor's office. His son, Han Yuchen (Liu Yaowen), ignites a firestorm by clashing with dean’s (played by Zhang Yi) son and adamantly refuses to apologize. His wife, Li Maojuan (Ma Li), fiercely intervenes, further escalating the situation. At work, Han Ming navigates a minefield of professional challenges, especially his strained partnership with Lu Lingling (Gao Ye), which results in a deadlock in their cases. Amidst this chaos, the desperate plight of Hao Xiuping (Zhao Liying) in a critical case confronts Han Ming with the harsh realities of legal and emotional conflict. With his career and family hanging in the balance, Han Ming decides to gamble everything on his quest for justice and fairness in his own way...