演出日期 | 場數 | 演出劇目 | 演出場地 | |
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2023-04-05至2023-04-19 | 40 | Air | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
演出日期 | 時間 | 片長 | 價錢 | 演出場地 |
2023-04-05 | 12:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-05 | 5:10pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-05 | 7:20pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-06 | 7:20pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-07 | 7:20pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-08 | 7:20pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-09 | 7:20pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-06 | 12:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-07 | 12:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-08 | 12:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-09 | 12:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-06 | 5:00pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-07 | 5:00pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-08 | 5:00pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-09 | 5:00pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-10 | 12:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-11 | 12:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-12 | 12:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-10 | 2:40pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-11 | 2:40pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-10 | 9:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-11 | 9:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-12 | 9:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-13 | 9:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-13 | 12:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-14 | 12:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-15 | 12:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-16 | 12:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-13 | 5:20pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-14 | 5:20pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-15 | 5:20pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-16 | 5:20pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-17 | 2:40pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-19 | 2:40pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-17 | 7:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-18 | 7:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-19 | 7:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-17 | 9:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-18 | 9:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
2023-04-19 | 9:30pm | 113 | $50, $60, $80 | SUNDIGITAL 新光數碼戲院 |
奧斯卡最佳電影《ARGO救參任務》兼金球獎最佳導演賓艾佛力 (Ben Affleck),最新自導自演話題新作——《AIR》,找來老拍檔麥迪文,暨謝遜比文、馬龍韋恩斯、基斯梅辛拿、基斯德加及維奧拉戴維斯等演技派紅星,揭開Nike公司旗下Air Jordan籃球鞋的崛起史、兼寫下改變巨大企業遊戲規則的勵志傳奇故事。
當年正值起飛的NBA界新秀米高佐敦,與剛剛起步的Nike,正周旋合作機會。在Nike裡拼命工作的,是一班不循規蹈矩「非一般」籃球鞋生產團隊,他們賭上一切,開山劈石,只是為了在市場上爭一革命性席位;與此同時,米高佐敦的母親,同樣抱有偉大願景,對自己毫不妥協,更堅信兒子擁有巨大潛能。最終憑著衆人之力,令Air Jordan這個全新球鞋品牌順利誕生,徹底顛覆體育世界及當代文化。
From award-winning director Ben Affleck, AIR reveals the unbelievable game-changing partnership between a then rookie Michael Jordan and Nike’s fledgling basketball division which revolutionized the world of sports and contemporary culture with the Air Jordan brand. This moving story follows the career-defining gamble of an unconventional team with everything on the line, the uncompromising vision of a mother who knows the worth of her son’s immense talent, and the basketball phenom who would become the greatest of all time.